This list reflects talks that are in the online audio archive. There are many talks that are not yet in the online archive.

Go to: 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989


  1. Diamond Sutra: Introduction

  2. Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 1
  3. Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 2
  4. Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 3
  5. Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 4
  6. Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 5
  7. Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 6
  8. Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 7

  9. Diamond Sutra: Provisional Being
  10. Diamond Sutra: Emptiness
  11. Diamond Sutra: Giving and Non-Covetousness
  12. Diamond Sutra: Dharma / Not Dharma / Dharma

  13. Blue Cliff Record Case 1: The Highest Meaning of the Holy Truths, Talk 1
  14. Blue Cliff Record Case 1: The Highest Meaning of the Holy Truths, Talk 2


  1. Blue Cliff Record Case 2: The Ultimate Path Is Without Difficulty, Talk 1
  2. Blue Cliff Record Case 2: The Ultimate Path Is Without Difficulty, Talk 2

  3. Save All Sentient Beings

  4. Blue Cliff Record Case 3: Master Ma Is Unwell, Talk 1
  5. Blue Cliff Record Case 3: Master Ma Is Unwell, Talk 2
  6. Blue Cliff Record Case 4: Te Shan Carrying His Bundle, Talk 1
  7. Blue Cliff Record Case 4: Te Shan Carrying His Bundle, Talk 2

  8. Karma: Two Aspects
  9. Karma: Twelve-Link Causation
  10. Karma: Where Karma Originates
  11. Karma: Unmanifested Karma
  12. Karma: Taking Care of Karma
  13. Karma: Karmic Retribution in Present Life
  14. Karma: Karma as Energy/Emptiness
  15. Karma: Conclusion

  16. Diamond Sutra: Emptiness and Mind

  17. Blue Cliff Record Case 5 Talk 1
  18. Blue Cliff Record Case 5 Talk 2

  19. Diamond Sutra: Final Lecture

  20. Blue Cliff Record Case 7 Talk 1
  21. Blue Cliff Record Case 7 Talk 2


  1. Blue Cliff Record Case 8 Talk 1
  2. Blue Cliff Record Case 8 Talk 2
  3. Blue Cliff Record Case 9
  4. Blue Cliff Record Case 10
  5. Blue Cliff Record Case 11
  6. Blue Cliff Record Case 12 – Part 1 and 2
  7. Blue Cliff Record Case 13
  8. Blue Cliff Record Case 14
  9. Blue Cliff Record Case 15

  10. Blue Cliff Record Case 18: National Teacher Chung’s Seamless Monument

  11. Blue Cliff Record Case 20 Talk 1
  12. Blue Cliff Record Case 20 Talk 2
  13. Blue Cliff Record Case 22

  14. Shobogenzo Gyobutsu Igi: Majestic Activity – Talk 1
  15. Shobogenzo Gyobutsu Igi: Majestic Activity – Talk 2
  16. Shobogenzo Gyobutsu Igi: Majestic Activity – Talk 3
  17. Shobogenzo Gyobutsu Igi: Majestic Activity – Talk 4
  18. Shobogenzo Gyobutsu Igi: Majestic Activity – Talk 5
  19. Shobogenzo Gyobutsu Igi: Majestic Activity – Talk 6
  20. Shobogenzo Gyobutsu Igi: Majestic Activity – Talk 7

  21. Blue Cliff Record Case 23 Talk 1
  22. Blue Cliff Record Case 23 Talk 3
  23. Blue Cliff Record Case 24

  24. Blue Cliff Record Case 25: The Hermit of Lotus Flower Peak Holds Up His Staff, Talk 1
  25. Blue Cliff Record Case 25: The Hermit of Lotus Flower Peak Holds Up His Staff, Talk 2

  26. Blue Cliff Record Case 27 Talk 1
  27. Blue Cliff Record Case 27 Talk 2


  1. Blue Cliff Record Case 28
  2. Blue Cliff Record Case 29 Talk 1
  3. Blue Cliff Record Case 29 Talk 2
  4. Blue Cliff Record Case 30
  5. Blue Cliff Record Case 32
  6. Blue Cliff Record Case 33

  7. Blue Cliff Record Case 34: Yang Shan Asks “Where Have You Come From?”
  8. Blue Cliff Record Case 35: The Dialogue of Manjusri and Wu Cho
  9. Blue Cliff Record Case 36: Ch’ang Sha Wandering in the Mountains, Talk 1
  10. Blue Cliff Record Case 36: Ch’ang Sha Wandering in the Mountains, Talk 2
  11. Blue Cliff Record Case 37: P’an Shan’s There Is Nothing in the World
  12. Blue Cliff Record Case 38: Feng Hsueh’s Workings of the Iron Ox, Talk 1


  1. Blue Cliff Record Case 38: Feng Hsueh’s Workings of the Iron Ox, Talk 2
  2. Blue Cliff Record Case 39: Yun Men’s Flowering Hedge, Talk 1
  3. Blue Cliff Record Case 39: Yun Men’s Flowering Hedge, Talk 2
  4. Blue Cliff Record Case 40: Nan Ch’uan’s It’s Like a Dream, Talk 1

  5. Book of Equanimity: Case 52

  6. Blue Cliff Record Case 40: Nan Ch’uan’s It’s Like a Dream, Talk 2
  7. Blue Cliff Record Case 41: Chao Chou’s Man Who Has Died the Great Death, Talk 1
  8. Blue Cliff Record Case 41: Chao Chou’s Man Who Has Died the Great Death, Talk 2
  9. Blue Cliff Record Case 42: Layman P’ang’s Good Snowflakes, Talk 1
  10. Blue Cliff Record Case 42: Layman P’ang’s Good Snowflakes, Talk 2
  11. Blue Cliff Record Case 43: Tung Shan’s No Cold or Heat, Talk 1
  12. Blue Cliff Record Case 43 Talk 2: The Five Ranks
  13. Blue Cliff Record Case 44: Ho Shan’s Knowing How to Beat the Drum, Talk 1
  14. Blue Cliff Record Case 44: Ho Shan’s Knowing How to Beat the Drum, Talk 2
  15. Blue Cliff Record Case 45: Chao Chou’s Seven-Pound Cloth Shirt, Talk 1
  16. Blue Cliff Record Case 45: Chao Chou’s Seven-Pound Cloth Shirt, Talk 2
  17. Blue Cliff Record Case 46: Ching Ch’ing’s Sound of Raindrops, Talk 1
  18. Blue Cliff Record Case 46: Ching Ch’ing’s Sound of Raindrops, Talk 2

  19. Arts and Buddhism – Part 1
  20. Arts and Buddhism – Part 2
  21. Westerners’ Reluctance Toward Bowing – Part 1
  22. Westerners’ Reluctance Toward Bowing – Part 2

  23. Blue Cliff Record Case 49 Talk 1
  24. Blue Cliff Record Case 49 Talk 2


  1. Blue Cliff Record Case 50
  2. Blue Cliff Record Case 51 Talk 1
  3. Blue Cliff Record Case 51 Talk 2
  4. Blue Cliff Record Case 52 Talk 2
  5. Blue Cliff Record Case 53
  6. Blue Cliff Record Case 54
  7. Blue Cliff Record Case 55 Talk 1

  8. Precepts for Lay Ordination – Part 1
  9. Precepts for Lay Ordination – Part 2

  10. The Awakening of Faith Talk 1

  11. Mindfulness – Talk 1
  12. Mindfulness – Talk 2
  13. Mindfulness – Talk 3

  14. Mindfulness – Talk 4
  15. Mindfulness – Talk 5

  16. The Awakening of Faith Talk 3

  17. Blue Cliff Record Case 55 Talk 3

  18. The Awakening of Faith Talk 5

  19. Blue Cliff Record Case 57 Talk 1

  20. The Awakening of Faith Talk 6

  21. Blue Cliff Record Case 57 Talk 2

  22. The Awakening of Faith Talk 7
  23. The Awakening of Faith Talk 8

  24. The Awakening of Faith Talk 9: Two Kinds of Nowness

  25. The Awakening of Faith Talk 10: Time
  26. The Awakening of Faith Talk 11: Alayavijnana and Tathagatagarbha
  27. The Awakening of Faith Talk 12: Tathagatagarbha
  28. The Awakening of Faith Talk 13: Tathagatagarbha and Alayavijinana

  29. Shobogenzo Juundo Shiki: Rules for the Monks Annex – Talk 1
  30. Shobogenzo Juundo Shiki: Rules for the Monks Annex – Talk 2
  31. Shobogenzo Juundo Shiki: Rules for the Monks Annex – Talk 3
  32. Shobogenzo Juundo Shiki: Rules for the Monks Annex – Talk 4
  33. Shobogenzo Juundo Shiki: Rules for the Monks Annex – Talk 5
  34. Shobogenzo Juundo Shiki: Rules for the Monks Annex – Talk 7
  35. Shobogenzo Juundo Shiki: Rules for the Monks Annex – Talk 8
  36. Shobogenzo Juundo Shiki: Rules for the Monks Annex – Talk 10
  37. Shobogenzo Juundo Shiki: Rules for the Monks Annex – Talk 11

  38. Blue Cliff Record Case 58 Talk 1
  39. Blue Cliff Record Case 58 Talk 2
  40. Blue Cliff Record Case 59
  41. Blue Cliff Record Case 60

  42. A Basis for Practice

  43. Blue Cliff Record Case 61 Talk 1

  44. The Awakening of Faith Talk 23

  45. Book of Equanimity: Dongshan’s “Always Close” – Talk 1
  46. Book of Equanimity: Dongshan’s “Always Close” – Talk 2

  47. Blue Cliff Record Case 61 Talk 2

  48. The Awakening of Faith Talk 24

  49. The Four Sustenances – Talk 1
  50. The Four Sustenances – Talk 2

  51. Blue Cliff Record Case 62 Talk 1

  52. Buddha’s Impermancence

  53. Blue Cliff Record Case 62 Talk 2
  54. Blue Cliff Record Case 63

  55. Suffering: Three Stages
  56. Always There Is a Scream: Track 1 of 2
  57. Always There Is a Scream: Track 2 of 2

  58. Blue Cliff Record Case 64


  1. Buddha Nature: Something Universal
  2. True Heart is not Infactuation
  3. The Simple Practice

  4. Blue Cliff Record Case 67
  5. Blue Cliff Record Case 68 Talk 1

  6. Introduction to Buddhism

  7. Blue Cliff Record Case 68 Talk 2
  8. Blue Cliff Record Case 69 Talk 1

  9. Buddha Dharma: Big Sky Does not Bother with the Function of a Small Cloud

  10. Blue Cliff Record Case 69 Talk 2: On Note 2, Symmetry and Unsymmetry
  11. Blue Cliff Record Case 69 Talk 3
  12. Blue Cliff Record Case 70 Talk 1

  13. Zazen and Creating Space
  14. Truth, Phenomenology, Noumenology
  15. Creating Space Between
  16. Letting Go of Labels

  17. Blue Cliff Record Case 71

  18. The Awakening of Faith Talk 29

  19. Blue Cliff Record Case 72

  20. The Awakening of Faith Talk 30

  21. Blue Cliff Record Case 73

  22. The Awakening of Faith Talk 31

  23. Blue Cliff Record Case 74
  24. Blue Cliff Record Case 75

  25. The Awakening of Faith Talk 32

  26. Two Points to Consider: The Great Matter of Birth and Death Saving all Being
  27. Sharing Our Lives: The Practice of Attendance (Using the Selfish Self)

  28. Blue Cliff Record Case 76


  1. Lay Ordination Lecture 1 of 7: Significance of Ordination
  2. Lay Ordination Lecture 2 of 7: Three Aspects of Repentance

  3. The Awakening of Faith Talk 33

  4. Lay Ordination Lecture 3 of 7: Triple Treasure, Lecture 1

  5. The Awakening of Faith Talk 34

  6. Lay Ordination Lecture 4 of 7: Triple Treasure, Lecture 2

  7. Principles of Practice: Purpose of Practice
  8. Principles of Practice: Bodhicitta
  9. Principles of Practice: High Resolve
  10. Principles of Practice: Faith
  11. Principles of Practice: Direct Transmission

  12. The Awakening of Faith Talk 35
  13. The Awakening of Faith Talk 36

  14. Lay Ordination Lecture 5 of 7: Receiving the Precepts

  15. Buddha’s Birthday

  16. The Awakening of Faith Talk 37

  17. Book of Equanimity: Case 5 – Talk 1
  18. Book of Equanimity: Case 5 – Talk 2

  19. Lay Ordination Lecture 6 of 7: Three Collective Pure Precepts

  20. The Awakening of Faith Talk 38 – Final Talk

  21. Lay Ordination Lecture 7 of 7: Ten Grave Prohibitory Precepts

  22. The Goldenness of the Earth, the Sweet Milk of the Long River

  23. Turning the Three Poisons into Wheels

  24. Meal Chants – Talk 1
  25. Meal Chants – Talk 2
  26. Meal Chants – Talk 3

  27. Blue Cliff Record Case 78 Talk 1
  28. Blue Cliff Record Case 78 Talk 2

  29. Verse of Opening the Sutra
  30. Verse of Closing the Sutra
  31. Settling in the Vast Openness of the Sky
  32. Taking Refuge in the Buddha
  33. Verse of Offering Incense

  34. Shobogenzo Hossho: Dharma Nature – Talk 5
  35. Shobogenzo Hossho: Dharma Nature – Talk 6
  36. Shobogenzo Hossho: Dharma Nature – Talk 7
  37. Shobogenzo Hossho: Dharma Nature – Talk 8
  38. Shobogenzo Hossho: Dharma Nature – Talk 9

  39. Shobogenzo Tsuki: The Moon – Talk 1
  40. Shobogenzo Tsuki: The Moon – Talk 2
  41. Shobogenzo Tsuki: The Moon – Talk 3
  42. Shobogenzo Tsuki: The Moon – Talk 4
  43. Shobogenzo Tsuki: The Moon – Talk 5
  44. Shobogenzo Tsuki: The Moon – Talk 6
  45. Shobogenzo Tsuki: The Moon – Talk 7

  46. Shobogenzo Hossho: Dharma Nature – Talk 10
  47. Shobogenzo Hossho: Dharma Nature – Talk 11
  48. Shobogenzo Hossho: Dharma Nature – Talk 12
  49. Shobogenzo Hossho: Dharma Nature – Talk 13

  50. Shobogenzo Kokyo: Form and Mirror – Talk 1
  51. Shobogenzo Kokyo: Form and Mirror – Talk 2

  52. T’ien T’ai Buddhism: Historical Background

  53. Zen and Writing: Word and its Spirit

  54. T’ien T’ai Buddhism: Outline of 4-Fold Teaching – Talk 1
  55. T’ein T’ai Buddhism: Outline of 4-Fold Teaching – Talk 2

  56. Blue Cliff Record Case 79 Talk 1

  57. T’ien T’ai Buddhism: Conclusion

  58. Bowing

  59. Shobogenzo Gabyo: Painting of a Rice Cake – Talk 1
  60. Shobogenzo Gabyo: Painting of a Rice Cake – Talk 3
  61. Shobogenzo Gabyo: Painting of a Rice Cake – Talk 4
  62. Shobogenzo Gabyo: Painting of a Rice Cake – Talk 5
  63. Shobogenzo Gabyo: Painting of a Rice Cake – Talk 6
  64. Shobogenzo Gabyo: Painting of a Rice Cake – Talk 7
  65. Commentary on Shobogenzo Gabyo (Painted Rice Cake)

  66. Obedience


  1. Dogen Four Points: Track 1 of 2
  2. Dogen Four Points: Track 2 of 2

  3. Blue Cliff Record Case 80 Talk 1
  4. Blue Cliff Record Case 80 Talk 2

  5. Zazen: Dropping off Body and Mind
  6. Inconceivable, Universal, Cosmic Life

  7. Blue Cliff Record Case 81 Talk 1
  8. Blue Cliff Record Case 81 Talk 2

  9. Platform Sutra – Talk 1

  10. Shobogenzo Bendowa: Entry to the Buddha Dharma
  11. Shobogenzo Bendowa: Dogen’s Questions & Answers – Talk 1
  12. Shobogenzo Bendowa: Dogen’s Questions & Answers – Talk 2
  13. Shobogenzo Bendowa: Dogen’s Questions & Answers – Talk 3
  14. Shobogenzo Bendowa: Dogen’s Questions & Answers – Talk 4
  15. Shobogenzo Bendowa: Dogen’s Questions & Answers – Talk 5

  16. Platform Sutra – Talk 2
  17. Platform Sutra – Talk 3

  18. Living in Vow Life after Life

  19. Platform Sutra – Talk 4
  20. Platform Sutra – Talk 5
  21. Platform Sutra – Talk 6

  22. Deepening the Experience of Our Lives – Talk 1
  23. Deepening the Experience of Our Lives – Talk 2

  24. Platform Sutra – Talk 7

  25. Prajna Paramita and Emptiness

  26. Karma in Buddhism

  27. Genjokoan: Talk 1 (Egolessness)
  28. Genjokoan: Talk 2 (Consciousness)
  29. Genjokoan: Talk 3 (Flow)
  30. Genjokoan: Manas: Spontaneous, Perpetual, Homogeneous
  31. Genjokoan: A, B, and C Worlds

  32. Obon Memorial – Part 1
  33. Obon Memorial – Part 2

  34. Blue Cliff Record Case 84 Talk 1
  35. Blue Cliff Record Case 84 Talk 2
  36. Blue Cliff Record Case 84 Talk 3: Impermanence and the Meaning of Silence
  37. Blue Cliff Record Case 84 Talk 4: Three Aspects of Buddha’s Silence

  38. Shobogenzo Sansuikyo: Eastern Mountains Traveling on the Water
  39. On a Poem by the Boatman: Fishing with a Straight Hook
  40. What is Right Human Effort – Part 1
  41. What is Right Human Effort – Part 2

  42. Blue Cliff Record Case 86 Talk 1
  43. Blue Cliff Record Case 86 Talk 2

  44. Wisdom of Living
  45. Chanting Practice
  46. Disporting with the Buddhas: Transformation through Play


  1. Lay Ordination Lecture (2nd Series: 1 of 3): Depending on the Dharma
  2. Lay Ordination Lecture (2nd Series, 2 of 3): The Need and Way of Repentance

  3. Recording of Chants

  4. Lay Ordination Lecture: (2nd Series, 3 of 3): Restraint and Extermination

  5. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 1
  6. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 2
  7. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 3
  8. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 4
  9. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 5
  10. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 6
  11. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 7
  12. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 8
  13. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 9
  14. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 10
  15. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 11

  16. Review and Renew: Buddhism for the Twenty-First Century

  17. Shobogenzo Kuge: Flowers in the Sky – Talk 12

  18. Blue Cliff Record Case 87 Talk 1
  19. Blue Cliff Record Case 87 Talk 2

  20. Shobogenzo Baika: Plum Blossoms – Talk 1
  21. Shobogenzo Baika: Plum Blossoms – Talk 2
  22. Shobogenzo Baika: Plum Blossoms – Talk 3
  23. Shobogenzo Baika: Plum Blossoms – Talk 4
  24. Shobogenzo Baika: Plum Blossoms – Talk 5
  25. Shobogenzo Baika: Plum Blossoms – Talk 6

  26. Devotion: Walking Alone with Open Heart


  1. Dealing With Death, Dealing With Life