Katagiri Transcripts

This website carefully transcribes the dharma talks of Dainin Katagiri Roshi as a reference for the study of Soto Zen Buddhism. For more information, see the Introduction.

Talk Summaries: this page lists the talks that have been transcribed on this site, with brief summaries compiled by Kikan.

Talk List: this page lists the talks that are present in the online audio archive, with links for the talks that have been transcribed.

Katagiri Roshi gave many series of talks on topics in Buddhism. Some of these series are:

… This list will be updated as talks are transcribed. Readers should be aware that these topics come up in many places within Katagiri Roshi’s talks, not just within these series.

Latest Updates

June 16, 2024: Posted draft of Blue Cliff Record Case 46: Ching Ch’ing’s Sound of Raindrops, Talk 2”.

May 26, 2024: Updated Blue Cliff Record Case 45: Chao Chou’s Seven-Pound Cloth Shirt, Talk 1”, especially around the story of Isan’s cow.

May 8, 2024: Updated Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 1” some more, including the summary.

April 26, 2024: Updated the summary to Blue Cliff Record Case 45: Chao Chou’s Seven-Pound Cloth Shirt, Talk 2”.

April 25, 2024: Updated Blue Cliff Record Case 45: Chao Chou’s Seven-Pound Cloth Shirt, Talk 2”, and also Talk 1 some more.

April 23, 2024: Updated Blue Cliff Record Case 45: Chao Chou’s Seven-Pound Cloth Shirt, Talk 1”.

April 10, 2024: Updated Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 2”.

April 8, 2024: Updated Blue Cliff Record Case 18: National Teacher Chung’s Seamless Monument”.

April 4, 2024: Added “Buddha’s Birthday”. Happy Buddha’s Birthday!

March 30, 2024: Updated Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 1”.

March 27, 2024: Updated Blue Cliff Record Case 18: National Teacher Chung’s Seamless Monument”.

March 26, 2024: For class: “Whole Personality and Space”.

March 25, 2024: Updated Fukanzazengi: Dogen’s Universal Recommendation for Zazen – Talk 6”.

March 21, 2024: Updated “Save All Sentient Beings”.

March 15, 2024: Completed one more pass through the Karma series.

March 12, 2024: For class: Excerpt from “Blue Cliff Record Case 38: Feng Hsueh’s Workings of the Iron Ox”.

March 7, 2024: Updated “Karma: Taking Care of Karma”. That completes the latest pass through the Karma talks.

March 6, 2024: Updated “Karma: Unmanifested Karma”.

March 5, 2024: Updated “Karma: Where Karma Originates”.

March 4, 2024: Updated “Karma in Buddhism”, Karma: Two Aspects, and “Karma: Twelve-Link Causation”.

February 29, 2024: Updated Blue Cliff Record Case 18: National Teacher Chung’s Seamless Monument”.

February 27, 2024: Updated “Karma: Conclusion”.

February 26, 2024: For class: “Interdependence / Karma / Four Horses – Additional Reading”.

February 25, 2024: Updated “Karma: Karma as Energy/Emptiness”.

February 23 and 24, 2024: Updated “Karma: Karmic Retribution in Present Life”. (Important corrections!)

February 13, 2024: For class: “Excerpts on Bodhidharma”

February 12, 2024: Posted drafts of Blue Cliff Record Case 45: Chao Chou’s Seven-Pound Cloth Shirt, Talk 1 and Talk 2.

February 1, 2024: Posted rough draft of The Goldenness of the Earth, the Sweet Milk of the Long River.

January 30, 2024: Adjusted page margins.

January 23, 2024: More cleanup up Blue Cliff Record Case 44: Ho Shan’s Knowing How to Beat the Drum, Talk 2”.

January 22, 2024: Updated Blue Cliff Record Case 44: Ho Shan’s Knowing How to Beat the Drum, Talk 2”.

January 21, 2024: Even more cleanup of the first part of Blue Cliff Record Case 18: National Teacher Chung’s Seamless Monument”. Finally figured out hosho-ike.

January 18, 2024: More editing of Blue Cliff Record Case 44: Ho Shan’s Knowing How to Beat the Drum, Talk 1” and Blue Cliff Record Case 18: National Teacher Chung’s Seamless Monument”.

January 17, 2024: Updated Blue Cliff Record Case 44: Ho Shan’s Knowing How to Beat the Drum, Talk 1”.

January 16, 2024: Centered headings and style changes.